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Important October 2024 Update

       As of October 2024, I am taking my personal cell number off of the website. Unfortunately, it is causing a few issues. First is spam from services that crawl the internet for phone numbers to call. The second is a more delicate issue. I have spent all of the time in the world writing easy to follow, yet highly detailed articles on what you need for your car in order to sound treat it. Unfortunately, people say they would rather just call and ask, which I totally understand, but being a one man show, combined with the growth that ResoNix has experienced, I just cannot take this on anymore. I ask you to PLEASE read, not skim, read the ResoNix Buyers Guide article, and even the Reference Information & Guide article, I promise you, they will answer nearly any questions you could come up with regarding the topic of sound treating a vehicle. If you still need help, reach out via the contact form below. If it is something that is not covered on the website, I will gladly give you a call regarding your specific scenario.


       Most of our contact form entries are those asking what materials and how much they should use for their specific project. While we are more than happy to answer these questions, we have an extremely detailed article that breaks down what we suggest for various situations, areas of the vehicle, and budgets. Please check out our ResoNix Buyers Guide in the link below.

ResoNix Sound Deadener Buyers Guide

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